R Attack

Registration Starting at the 12th of November 2016

R is a language designed to aid its user in all fields of data science, ranging from life sciences to all sorts of statistical treatment and data science in its core. JEST is offering you the unique opportunity to learn R from people doing research with it in two modules.

The first, on the 28th and the 29th of November, grants you the opportunity to learn the first steps of R. It is a module designed for both the absolute beginner and the practitioner that needs to refresh basic concepts or relearn forgotten ones. Furthermore, basic programming skills and concepts will be addressed, in order to establish solid ground for future projects and work habits that scale up on the long run for the most efficient time expenditure. This will be a three hour module and the main topics below will be covered.

R Workshop

DAY 1 - R for dummies

  • Intro to R and R Studio
  • Importing data
  • Basic operations and loops
  • Descriptive and Inferential stats

DAY 2 - R for data nerds

  • From raw data to tidy data (tidyr and dplyr)
  • Exploring: base plot vs. ggplot2
  • Intro to Machine Learning with caret
  • Open data, online collaboration and sharing

On the 5th and 6th of December, get to know practical applications and processes that can greatly enhance your workflow. Meet surprisingly useful methods for big data analysis and treatment that can be translated into all kinds of datases. Also, learn on the problems regarding each type of data, how to understand, solve and learn from them.

DAY 3 - R for hackers

  • Reporting with R Markdown
  • Intro to Shiny: Web-app development
  • Interactive plotting
  • Intro to R efficiency

DAY 4 - R for programmers

  • The apply family
  • Function writing
  • Advanced R programming
  • Data science workflow

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Department of Life Sciences
Coimbra, 3000-406