
JEST is the Junior Enterprise for Science and Technology – an organization which purpose lies in the understanding of interdisciplinary value and the commitment to ever evolving projects and ideas. Under the flag of data science progress - personal, professional and teambuilding wise – our organization sets both its starting line and its goals on its members, as well as any projects and entities that choose to get involved with JEST. Towards the purpose of meeting these objetives, the team is built of people whose field of study varies through anthroplogy, biology, biochemistry, mathematics, as well as informatical, eletrotechnical and computer, and design and multimedia engineering. By creating conditions based on equality and ambition – both at an individual and collective level – JEST will help its associates acquire solid knowledge by learning and doing, while providing the necessary support and solutions to help external projects visualize life sciences through a data perspective.



Department of Life Sciences
Coimbra, 3000-406